I didn't make it passed the pitch stage of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards, but that doesn't mean I am out of the running. This is just the start of the year and so many more contests are on the horizon. Temperature: Dead and Rising is not out of steam yet.
I dropped my novel in the mail to the IPPY Awards and the 19th annual Writer's Digest Competition where the book is the only thing that counts. The experience gained from entering these competitions far outweighs any disappointment from losing. One of the contests will send back commentary about why the book didn't make it to the next stage and this is worth the price of failure. Don't take me wrong, I believe in my novel and expect it to rise to the top. What else comes from entering competitions is notice. My novel will be seen by the judges and anyone following these contests. If nothing else I get exposure. Isn't that a goal of every author? More exposure? Of course it is. Everyone that has written something wants to see it in a reader's hand. The problem is how the reader will ever learn the novel is out there to read. I hope the efforts I am making brings the knowledge of my book to the reader. In the end, I am glad to put my typed words where my mouth is. Challenge myself by betting my manuscript is better than anyone else. It is the nature of the beast. Enter a contest and the others will hope they have a better one than you. Honestly, I hope it is a tough choice for the judges to pick the best, but someone must win. Good luck to those entering these with me. Comments are closed.
About the Author
Adam Santo is a SciFi/Fantasy writer who enjoys the quiet moments to write stories. His debut novel, Temperature: Dead and Rising, took the world for a ride they would soon not forget. Santo began plotting out the second paperback novel, Temperature: Bitter Cold, before the ink dried on his first book. Santo continues to write nonstop because he knows there is always a story waiting to get out. Archives
April 2014