12/8/2010 Discounts for the Holidays!A really quick blog... eBook and paperback just discounted for the holidays. Here's the info -
Coupon: 6DR7NA53 Discount: $4.00 off Expires: December 25, 2010 This is for the paperbackat Createspace. Recently discounted ebook at Smashwords: Promotional price: $5.99 Coupon Code: WX37E Expires: December 25, 2010 Comments are closed.
About the Author
Adam Santo is a SciFi/Fantasy writer who enjoys the quiet moments to write stories. His debut novel, Temperature: Dead and Rising, took the world for a ride they would soon not forget. Santo began plotting out the second paperback novel, Temperature: Bitter Cold, before the ink dried on his first book. Santo continues to write nonstop because he knows there is always a story waiting to get out. Archives
April 2014